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Fredonia Municipal Court

Fredonia Municipal Court

The Fredonia Municipal Court is the local courthouse for legal affairs in Fredonia. 

25 North Main Street
Fredonia, AZ 86022
(928) 643-7472

Fredonia Municipal Court is a court of limited jurisdiction. This means it can only hear certain kinds of cases, such as the following.

  • Misdemeanor traffic offenses, including driving under the influence (DUI) and reckless driving where no serious injuries occur
  • Civil traffic cases
  • Town ordinance and town code violations
  • Restraining orders
  • Domestic violence cases

Importantly, like all municipal courts in Arizona, the Fredonia Municipal Court does not hear civil lawsuits between residents.

Parking at the Fredonia Municipal Court

There is a limited amount of parking in the lots surrounding the Fredonia Municipal Court. However, because the courthouse shares a lot with the neighboring fire department, it is crucial to abide by any parking restrictions and follow the instructions on the parking signs. If you park in the wrong spot, your car could be in the way of exiting fire trucks, delaying their response and getting your car towed. If the lot surrounding the courthouse is full or you are unsure where you can park in the lot, you can also parallel park along the side of North Main Street.

Fredonia DUI-Defense and Criminal Defense Attorney

If you or someone you love has been arrested and charged with DUI or another crime in Fredonia, having an effective defense lawyer on your side can help. Reach out to Shawn Hamp, a DUI-defense and criminal defense attorney who serves clients in Fredonia and the rest of northwestern Arizona. Contact him online or call his law office at (866) 490-HAMP.

Contact Us Today

If you have been arrested or charged with a crime, you may be feeling frightened, anxious, and uncertain of what your future holds. The competent and experienced attorneys at the Hamp Law Offices can help you during this difficult time. We are dedicated to fighting for the rights of our clients and providing excellent legal representation to those who have been accused of a crime. Contact our firm today to discuss your case.
