Jail Locations and Information
Having a loved one in jail can be difficult for all of the parties involved. If you have been arrested and charged with a crime, you may be taken to an adult detention facility, or jail, to be held before you see a judge. If you are unable to post bond, you may be forced to stay in jail throughout the entirety of your case's legal proceedings, before ultimately being sentenced to additional jail time by the judge. The attorneys and legal professionals at The Law Offices of Shawn B. Hamp have years of experience communicating and working with loved ones and clients who are incarcerated across the Areas We Serve. Each of the links below provides in-depth information on each of the detention facilities.

Visiting an Individual in Jail
If you know someone who is currently awaiting trial or serving jail time, you may have the opportunity to visit them. Depending on the detention facility, visits can be made in person at the jail, or even remotely from a computer in your own home. Each facility has its own rules and regulations they follow regarding inmate visits, along with different hours that are designated for visitations. Most facilities require on-site visitors to be over the age of 18, and all visitations to be scheduled at least 24 hours in advance. Visitations can be done by anyone who wants to see the incarcerated individual, whether it is a family member or an attorney. It should be noted that all visitation conversations are monitored and often times recorded.